The 2024 Social Media Cheat Codes Mega Masterclass

Cheat your way to more sales on social media WITHOUT a big following

Get ready to finally learn...

  • The key strategy you need to be successful on social in 2024

  • The 7-step bullet-proof formula that has brought us a sale every day for 5+ years.

  • The 3 mistakes you're making on social and how to avoid them 

  • How to have the highest sales in your company...even with a small following

  • How to make everything you post go viral 

“Wait, how is this free?? I've never stumbled upon such valuable info before...especially for free. This class was crazy! Honestly, I've paid thousands for classes that didn't teach me half as much. They laid it out in such an easy way to understand. It makes so much sense I told everyone on my team to take it too. ”

Kristin B.

“I’m so freaking sick of sending reach out messages that don’t work anyway, What a relief to find a better way to recruit downlines. This class showed me exactly how to fill my team with people who actually want to build. If you're tired of wasting your time, this webinar is the answer you've been looking for. Trust me, it's worth it.”

Emily A.

 “I’m a mom! Ain’t nobody got time for sending messages and following people on Instagram! I had no idea how to create content that would get people come to me instead of chasing them. But Hillary and Dawn made it crystal clear and surprisingly easy to understand. I feel like I've earned a mini-degree in marketing in just one hour! I’m so grateful to you guys for teaching this. No one else is! ”


Nice to meet you! 

As expert network marketing coaches, we help struggling social sellers just like YOU understand exactly how to grow a fresh, modern, UBER profitable business, completely ick-free.

The truth is, we’ve been where you are. Before we started to use the system we’re teaching you in this workshop, we were also stressed about how to find new downlines, convinced you could only make it in network marketing if you were a cool instagram mom, or tied to your phone 24/7. To be honest, we felt like giving up some days. 

After months of doing all the things that our uplines, corporate, and the big network marketing gurus told us to do and never really getting anywhere, we finally discovered the right way to grow a network marketing business that allowed us to be the moms we want to be…and still make a boatload of money. This system we’re teaching inside the workshop has helped social sellers, just like YOU, grow a massive downline, increase their monthly commissions, and enjoy their freakin lives again! 

And we want that for YOU too, friend. We’re excited to show you how, in this free, but very limited-time workshop.

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